FA National Facilities Strategy – local football facility plans update.

This is the largest commission of its kind in the UK. The FA is looking to assess and set out its priorities at local level so as to underpin delivery of its National Facilities Strategy and inform discussion about required national levels of investment with local authorities, football partners and other stakeholders.
KKP is close to half way through its commission from the FA, DCMS, and the Premier League, to deliver 330 local football facility plans (LFFPs) – one for every local authority in England. The first 71 have been approved and another 80 are in the process of final review by the FA or being signed off by individual project steering groups prior to receipt by the FA.
A review of the approved plans, which cover local authorities located in County FA areas of West Riding, Birmingham, Cheshire, Manchester, Sheffield & Hallam plus others, makes interesting reading. Thus far, a total of 1,850 separate projects has been identified across key LFFP themes:
The development of 429 new 3G football turf pitches.
Improvements to 2,305 strategically significant grass pitches.
The development of new or refurbishment/replacement of 455 changing pavilions.
Creation of 506 small sided football facilities including multi use games areas and futsal venues.
The Football Foundation is already working with partners to deliver the first tranche of these over the next 3-5 years. Being able to operate with this level of accuracy and detail is also enabling the FA, Government and partners to have an informed in-depth discussion on how community football investment is prioritised over the next decade.
KKP is delighted to be delivering this ground-breaking work on behalf of the football partners. We would like to thank colleagues across a range of organisations for their input into the various plans; including the FA, Football Foundation, County FAs, local authorities, clubs and community organisations.
This is an exciting time for community football across the country: KKP is helping to shape the facility base to enable the sustainability and development of the sport for future generations.
Knight Kavanagh & Page
t: +44 (0)161 764 7040